
Is a field that combines the knowledge and skills of gynecologists, urologists and surgeons necessary to diagnose and treat pelvic floor disorders in women. In particular, it deals with the following common problems:

  • urine leakage or incontinence
  • pelvic organ descent (vagina, uterus, bladder, intestine)
  • repair of injuries resulting from childbirth
  • repeated urinary tract infections

Urinary incontinence is a symptom that affects up to 30% of women, regardless of age and unfortunately reduces quality of life in all areas from physical to psychological including relationship problems with partners and disruption of social relations in the workplace. In addition, this disorder tends to gradually deteriorate with time. Incontinence is often associated with another pelvic floor disorder, and therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the whole area

Is a field that combines the knowledge and skills of gynecologists, urologists and surgeons necessary to diagnose and treat pelvic floor disorders in women. In particular, it deals with the following common problems:

  • urine leakage or incontinence
  • pelvic organ descent (vagina, uterus, bladder, intestine)
  • repair of injuries resulting from childbirth
  • repeated urinary tract infections

Urinary incontinence is a symptom that affects up to 30% of women, regardless of age and unfortunately reduces quality of life in all areas from physical to psychological including relationship problems with partners and disruption of social relations in the workplace. In addition, this disorder tends to gradually deteriorate with time. Incontinence is often associated with another pelvic floor disorder, and therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the whole area

G-Innova broadly encompasses the practice of urogynecology with specialized physiotherapy in all aspects. For more detailed information, please visit the specific website at www.urogynekologie-otcenasek.cz

Dlouhodobé přetížení svalů a vaziva pánevního dna může vést k sestupu pochvy a dělohy. Změnou pohybových návyků, cílenou rehabilitací a v některých případech i nutnou operační léčbou se podaří obtíže zpravidla odstranit.

Porod přirozenou cestou zanechá někdy nepříjemné následky ve formě jizev a uvolněné tkáně. Pokud přirozené hojení nestačilo, je možné většinu poranění opravit chirurgicky. Výsledky terapie jsou výrazně větší, pokud případná operační léčba probíhá v součinnosti se speciální fyzioterapií. Otázka zapojení svalů a zatěžování pánevního dna je potřeba téma pro dlouhodobý pocit zdraví pro každou ženu.

Opakování močový infekcí je nejčastěji následkem nesystémového přístupu – léčení bývá krátkodobé, bez řádného vyšetření moči, nebývá kladen důraz na prevenci a posilování vlastní imunity.  Při respektování vyzkoušených zásad je úspěšnost léčby vysoká.

Long-term overload of muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor can lead to the descent of the vagina and uterus. By changing habits in movement, targeted rehabilitation and, in some cases, with the necessary surgical treatment such difficulties can usually be eliminated. Childbirth naturally leaves unpleasant consequences in the form of scars and stretching of tissue. If natural healing was not sufficient, most injuries can be repaired surgically. The results of therapy are significantly greater if any surgical treatment takes place in conjunction with special physiotherapy. The question of muscle involvement and pelvic floor load is a fundamental issue for the long-term well-being of each woman. Recurrence of urinary infection is most often the result of a non-systemic approach to treatment- tending to be short-lived, without proper examination of urine, and with no emphasis on prevention and strengthening of one’s own immunity.  While respecting tried and tested principles, the success rate of treatment is high.

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